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School Council


Southbrook School Council has been successfully running for many years now and each year the School Council works very hard to be the voice of the pupils and to work on projects that can benefit the pupils throughout the school. 

School Councillors are voted in by their tutor groups every September. Pupils can put themselves forward for the role during tutor time, after discussion about what it involves. Councillors serve for a year and tutor groups vote in a different pupil the next academic year.

Past projects include making a friendship bench, break time buddies, writing to shops to ask for donations to sell at school fayres to raise money for SC projects, buying break time giant games and whole school voting for children in parliament.

Recent projects include whole school voting to redesign the outside of the library bus, raising funds by selling products at the Christmas Fayre, work with local Artist Steve McCracken, and organising a whole school raffle to raise funds for DEC to help Ukraine Refugees.

School Council is created by each tutor group voting at the start of the school year in September and councillors then serve a year in school council, with someone different being voted in for the next school year.

School Councillors understand that because they have been voted in by their peers that they have a responsibility to their tutor groups to be the voice of the class and that they are representatives of Southbrook when they meet pupils from other schools, Governors and visitors to the school.

Southbrook also has two Champions for Change, one of whom is also a school councillor. 

The Champions for Change meet with Champions from other Sentient Trust schools and are a valuable voice for young people with SEND, who give lots of feedback to Devon County Council about the local provision.

All school councillors and Champions for Change are very proud of their roles and enjoy making a positive contribution towards all pupils' Southbrook educational journey.

April 2022
School Council are proud to announce that Southbrook School have raised an impressive £470.75 for the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) This money was raised by holding a raffle on the last day of the Spring term and a very big thank you is needed to many people. This money has been deposited at the Post Office, straight into the DEC's bank account and will be distributed to various charities such as Save the Children and The British Red Cross to help Ukraine refugees.
Firstly, a big thank you to Nataliya and Paul at The Thatched House Pub in Exwick, Ben at Haven Banks Outdoor Centre and Ben and Sally at the Ginger Cat Deli in Exminster. School Council would also like to thank all the staff who contributed wonderful raffle prizes; there were 40 amazing prizes that were won. And last, but not least, a very big thank you to pupils, families and staff who bought raffle tickets. £470.75 is a huge amount for a small school to raise. The Southbrook School Community pulled together to help another community in need.

March 2022

School Council have been busy meeting up and working on a mini project alongside the library bus redesign project. School Council are organising a raffle in school to raise money for the DEC - Disasters Emergency Committee who share out money with other charities such as Save the Children and The British Red Cross, to provide much needed items and medicines for the Ukraine refugees, which include many children.

Raffle tickets will start being sold soon, with the raffle being held on the last day of term before the Easter Holidays. Tickets will be bought from Tutors and pupils will bring home any prizes won. School Council are busy contacting local businesses and shops to ask for donated items for prizes, and are asking staff to badger friends and family who may be able to donate prizes. All money raised will go straight to the Disasters Emergency Committee to help those in urgent need and the Southbrook Community can be very proud to know we're doing our bit to help.

December 2018 Update

Southbrook School Council have had three meetings this term, including a meeting with Geoff, one of our Governors.

Points raised in the meetings:

  • Equipment to use at break times.
  • Re-spraying the library bus and possible fundraising to fund this.
  • Doing a historical re-enactment.
  • Updating playground equipment.
  • The Champions for Change film.

The Devon group Champions for Change have made a fantastic film called ‘Listen, Hear, Understand’. Leah (9TP) and Zak (10AH) are Southbrook’s Champions for Change and have been working hard with young people from all over Devon to plan and make this brilliant film. Please see the link below.



Southbrook School Council had their last meeting of the school year today.  We talked about all the amazing things they have done over the last year and read through a long list of their achievements. Once that was done we had a round of applause and School Councillors received a certificate, a long list of their achievements this year and a small packet of sweets to say thank you and well done.

Achievements of School Council 2017-2018

October 2018

The new School Council met for the first time today. We talked about the expectations and responsibilities of being a School Councillor and what it would involve.
We talked about the kind of things the School Council achieved last year, like our Anti-Bullying film and friendship bench.

The School Councillors brought lots of ideas to the meeting from their tutor groups, including; games/equipment at break time, the changes to lunch timings and having more days off school!
Our next meeting will be Wednesday 14th November when one of the School Governors will be coming along to see what we have been talking about. We will also start to action some of our ideas. Watch this space