Online Safety
Online safety is a core element of our pupils’ curriculum offer. Whilst integrating computers and the use of technology across our curriculum offer, we prioritise the teaching of Online Safety to all our pupils.
Within PSHE, daily and weekly tutor sessions and with bespoke input from our Pastoral and Safeguarding team, our pupils are constantly and consistently supported to help them make safe decisions when online.
Online safety is a key component of our curriculum, and links closely with the relationships component of the PSHE curriculum. Our cohort uses social media and communication tools frequently outside of school, and we are committed to giving them the tools and knowledge to keep themselves safe, get help if they need it and protect themselves online.
We also support parents and families to support their child to remain safe online and in virtual communities. Strong and frequent communication with parents and carers allows us to reinforce messages about online safety from home and share pertinent information to help protect pupils when online and out of school.
To minimise any potential negative impact of social media use in school, all mobile devices are handed in by pupils on arrival in school.