Our Intent: To deliver a personalised curriculum that promotes independence, resilience and gives every pupil the skills they need for future success and development.
The purpose of the Southbrook curriculum is to provide a personalised and appropriate balance of options that allow our pupils to make sustained and continuous progress both academically and in their areas identified as outcomes within their EHCPs. As a result, pupils will be able to access and thrive in their future Post 16 settings and leave Southbrook with both the skills and qualifications that can translate into a positive life as an independent and confident adult.
The image below is a visual representation of the broad and balanced curriculum which our pupils access across their KS3 and KS4 journey through Southbrook.
We build our curriculum model around our four core subject areas for all pupils, namely: English, Maths, PSHE (inc Life Skills) and Tutorial sessions/PLGS (Personal Learning Goals derived from EHCP targets). These four are supplemented by bespoke therapies and interventions run by our Inclusion and Pastoral teams and personalised based on an individual pupil’s needs (as illustrated in the outer ring of the image above).
Surrounding our core learning offer, pupils experience a wide range of subjects which are carefully and ambitiously designed by our subject specialist teachers, developing their programmes of work from Nationally accredited sources such as the National Curriculum but ensuring that they will meet the needs of our pupils to support them in becoming independent and resilient global citizens, alongside developing the knowledge and skills required to complete Entry Level qualifications in subjects across the curriculum and, where appropriate, GSCE’s in Maths and English. Opportunities for obtaining other accreditations, such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award, are also available in KS4.
How is the Curriculum taught?
The transition into Southbrook, and progression throughout Key Stage 3, is managed using a part-blended model. Year 7 are taught by their class tutor for Maths, English, Tutorial and Humanities to allow them time to settle into Southbrook and form positive bonds with their trusted adults and class peers. They access their other subjects in more specialist areas across the school, with subject based teachers but supported by one class adult. In Years 8 and 9, an increase in the amount of transition around the school occurs with students accessing either Maths or English with a different teacher to their Class tutor.
Key stage 4 offers our pupils the chance to choose and personalise more of their own curriculum as well as giving them as many opportunities as possible to benefit from the broad and balanced curriculum offer they have experienced in KS3. Our pupils will have the opportunity to experience a wide range of vocational learning, alongside weekly Outdoor Education sessions, to support them in gaining valuable skills outside of the classroom that will benefit them both in school and in their Post 16 education. Our careers and Preparation for Adulthood (PFA) programme enables work experience and the development of skills for future employment.
Pupils in the 3 mixed-age classes in our Static provision follow a similar curriculum to all other pupils, however the delivery and structure is bespoke to ensure that pupil’s needs and abilities are the key consideration, above chronological age. They are taught Maths and English by their tutors but are timetabled to access other subjects in the specialist classrooms with the appropriate subject teachers.
When pupils join us in year 7, we work with them all to undertake a number of supportive assessments to help us gauge a clear picture of where we need to focus our interventions and can tailor our curriculum appropriately to each pupil’s stage of learning. Ongoing assessments are used in all subjects to check pupil’s understanding of key concepts, informing the teaching and learning in future sessions.
Curriculum Maps Autumn Term 2024 (2nd half term)
Curriculum Map AB AUTUMN 2
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Curriculum Maps Autumn Term 2024 (1st half term)
Curriculum Map AB AUTUMN 1
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Contact Southbrook School
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