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Respect all — Always try hard — Make safe and healthy choices — Enjoy life

To advance the education, care and wellbeing of the pupils at the schools, to advance the education of other members of the community.

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Welcome to our weekly bulletin. Here you will find snippets of information about what is going on at Southbrook

Weekly Bulletin 2nd December 2024 

It has been an unusual couple of weeks at Southbrook. Here are a few of the updates.  

Snow days: It was surprising how quickly the snow settled in Exeter the week before last. We made the decision to close for two days based on the need to ensure both pupils and staff remained safe and did not travel in hazardous conditions. Of course, by the time the snow settled on the Thursday, and it became clear that the school would not be open, there were a number of pupils already on their way. We are very grateful to you, as parents and carers, for being so supportive of this decision and for changing your plans so rapidly. Friday continued to be very cold, with patchy areas of ice on the roads. We made the decision on Thursday evening to give as much notice as possible to transport services and yourselves. While these situations are never easy, thank you for all you did over those two days.  

Ofsted: Last week we were visited by Ofsted, who came to conduct an inspection. They informed us on Monday 25th and were in school for Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th. During their visit they looked at every aspect of the school including safeguarding, attendance, personal development, outdoor education, therapies and inclusion, curriculum and assessment to mention a few. They also went into lessons, looked at pupils’ work and spoke with the pupils, staff and governors. Many of you completed the questionnaire and I wanted to thank you for your supportive comments and for giving your feedback. The inspection report will now be written and should be published in a few weeks.  

DT: KS3 have been making some lovely felt creations in DT, making their own patterns and templates and then using these to try sewing and other joining techniques. They were very keen to show off their designs, which allowed their creativity to run wild. It was also very nice to pop into the KS3 static cooking session, where pupils were making a healthy meal of cottage pie, packed with protein and vegetables. It smelled delicious and the pupils were keen to take their food home to share.  

Art: There have been some wonderful creations coming out of the art room in the last couple of weeks. Some beautiful landscapes are on display but there has also been a very strong link made to key vocabulary. It was great to see key language being explored through objects, textures, symbols, vocabulary board and opportunities for speaking and listening. The strength of this work allowed the pupils to be more aware of their achievements while creating their art.  

School play rehearsals: You should have received an invite to the performance of A Christmas Carol, due to take place on 17th December. Unfortunately we are very limited for space during the performances and at present, there is a limit of 2 family members per pupil. If we find we have more spaces available after the responses are received, we will of course, let you know.   .  

Christmas week: As you know, the following events will take place during the last week.  

17th December: School performance of A Christmas Carol, once in the morning and once in the afternoon in the school hall.  

18th December: Christmas Lunch 

19th December: Christmas Fair- You will receive information about this very soon.  

20th Last day of the Autumn Term 

As always, if you have any questions or queries, please do get in touch with your child’s tutor in the first instance.  

Simon Winward 

A warmWelcome

Thank you for vising our website and welcome to Southbrook School.

Southbrook is a special school for pupils aged 11 to 16, with varied complex needs and abilities including moderate or severe learning difficulties and autism. Our pupils may also have speech, language and communication difficulties, sensory impairments and/or physical disabilities. All of our pupils have Education Health Care Plans. We are a Local Authority Maintained School with Foundation Trust status, and, along with 9 other special schools in Devon, are a member of SENtient Trust.

We are rapidly developing and aim for continued improvement to ensure that everyone makes the best possible progress. Our mission is to deliver a personalised curriculum that promotes independence, resilience and gives every pupil the skills they need for future success and development. As such we have developed the following purpose statements to guide the work we do:

The purpose of Southbrook School:

To provide a broad and specialised curriculum designed to build independence and resilience, and prepare every pupil for the next stage of their education and their lives.

To provide a safe and nurturing environment in which pupils can experience success, gain key knowledge and develop an understanding of their communities.

We pride ourselves on having a child-centred ethos and we are dedicated to ensuring that, through our exciting curriculum and excellent use of resources, every child has the opportunity to be the very best they can be!

At all times, we seek to:

  • Respect all
  • Always try hard
  • Make safe and healthy choices
  • Enjoy life

Simon Winward - Head Teacher